Monday, 23 July 2012

Quality Controlled in HE?

I saw this article about 77% rise in 'unregulated' private university courses from the University and College Union.  The sad incitement here is that the number of private provider courses approved without quality checks increased by 77% from 228 in the 2010/11 academic year to 403 in 2011/12 academic year. 

It appears the UCU are tarring every private provider with the same brush.  We at Blairgowrie have worked with some of these private providers (granted not all of them) and I can honestly say they take the quality of their offer very seriously and invest significantly in the area. 

As part of their validation process with a degree awarding institution they go through extremely rigorous quality measurement and sign off.  Indeed some of their key staff actually quality assess other public university courses.

Yes it is important that rigorous standards are set and adhered to by all because we all want a quality education system.  However, it is lazy rhetoric by the UCU to simplify the argument to Pubic = Good and Private = Bad. 

This navel gazing perspective forgets the most important part of this, the 18 year old student,  what they really value and require irrespective of the sector in which the providers operates (Public or private).

Perhaps if the UCU adopted this perspective they could help contribute and solve the problem for our youngsters and their future, not simply roll out dogma and rhetoric which is neither helpful or constructive.

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